Applied SciencesI
Information Systems Frontiers
Industrial Management & Data Systems
IEEE Transactions
IEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics: Systems
Journal of Systems & Control Engineering
Journal of Nutritional Therapeutics
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Sage Journal: Environment & Planning, Planning and Design
Sage Journal: Social Science Computer Review
Systems Engineering - Theory & PracticeJournal Publications: Applied Sciences
International Journal of Advanced Robotic System
International Journal of Production Research
Journal of Communications in Statistics - Simulation & Computation
Lab on Chip
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
Science Direct: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Science Direct: Information & Management
Science Direct: Computers & Industrial
Science Direct: Mechanical Systems and Signal
Book Chapter
Micro and Nano Manipulation Tools
Media and Communication in Chinese Diaspora
SpringerBriefs in Physics
Conference Papers
Health Promotion and Health Education
20th Asia pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference
The Annual Conference of Association of Education and Mass Communication (AEJMC)
9th Asia Academy of Management and 8th Taiwan Academy of Management Conference (ANU)
The 18th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism
ISM Seminar, University of Warwick
MDPI Sustainability
2015 Mianmar/Burma Update: Making Sense of Conflict
"Guanxi for Guanxi Studies" Conference Program
Personal Documents
CVs, Personal Statements, College Admission Essays
Secured Admission
Oxford University, UK
Harvard Medical School, US
City University of London, UK
Natural Sciences
Nature (Scientific Report)
PhD Theses
Engineering Management
Management & Management Sciences
Information Systems
Social Sciences
Mechanical & Bioengineering
English Literature
Media & Communication
Tourism & Hotel Management
Nutritional Science
Systems Engineering
Social Sciences
International journal of Social Behavior & Personality
International Journal of Production Economics
International Journal of Trade & Global Markets
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Managerial Psychology
Journal of Asian Public Policy
Review of Integrative Economics & Research
International Journal of Social Behavior & Personality
Journal of International Studies
Journal of Personality and Individual Studies
Journal of Intellectual Capital
Review of Integrative Business & Economics Research
Frontiers in Psychology
Business Management
Academy of Management Proceedings
Journal of Operations Management
Journal of International Business Studies
Sage Journal: Group & Organization Management
Journal of Business Ethics
Science Direct: Information & Management
Information & Management
Research review reports
Research proposals
Course validation reports
Appraisal reports
Reference letters
essayRight Proofreading & Editing Services
Your success is
our success
essayRight Proofreading and Editing Services
Authors invariably are blind to their own work. So they need an extra pair of eyes. At essayRight, every submission goes through two professional editors.
Since essayRight's establishment in 2012, we have edited more than 600 documents. These include journal papers and PhD and Master's theses and other acadamic papers. Many of the journal papers we edited have been published in reputed journals and many have successfully completed their doctoral degrees. Below is a list of journals where our customers got their papers published.
Our editors do not just work on your grammar and syntax, they go beyond to improve the overall quality of your writing.
This they do by checking for:
Clarity, sharpness and precision
Our editors cut down/edit sentences when they are:
- too verbose (say the same thing using too many unnecessary words);
- too long, causing confusion to the reader (too many clauses in the same sentence);
- not parallel in structure,;
- using passive voice inappropriately.
- using awkward sounding, sentences, not native-like in expression.
Consistency in spelling, punctuation, font, numbering
When editing, our editors make changes in case of incorrect:
- spelling: Use either American or British,
- capitalization, font, numbering, making lists.
Subject-specific vocabulary and academic style
Our editors are qualified and experienced to think critically and use their academic intuition to get a "feel" for your project's meaning and intention. As such, they:
Delete or revise any sentences that are off topic, sound non-academic, repetitive or technically inappropriate
If unsure of the meaning:
our editors use their general knowledge and their English language skills to correct (if necessary, they refer to the Internet for relevant information and rewrite the passage. In extreme cases, they leave comments in the form of advice to the author/s).
Successful Editing: Customer output