essayRight Proofreading & Editing Services
Your success is
our success
Our charges vary based on the number of words and the return time. e We charge USD 8.50 for every 250 words. except in the following situations.
For example, for a word count of 5000, or above, we charge:
Return time = 24 hours (within United States only) = USD9.50/250 words
Return time = 48 hours (within United States or outside United states) = USD 9.25/250 words
Return time = 72 hours or more (within United States or outside United States) = USD 9.00/250 words
essayRight Proofreading and Editing Services
Authors invariably are blind to their own work. So they need an extra pair of eyes. At essayRight, every submission goes through two professional editors.